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is under development

Scroll below to see what we are up to and how to contact us!

Over 130km geo-zone

15,000 people

Historical & Prosperous

CV-KL Economic action partnership is

creating a economic action strategy guide to improve our regional economy in the next 5 to 10 years.

Meet the CV-KL

Managing Partner

KES is a registered charity who is deeply committed to regional economic health and vitality. We work with many organizations in our communities to address both emerging and longstanding issues affecting the local labour market. Together we help make the Kootenays a unique and positive place to live and work in.

Visit www.kes.bc.ca today to find our more.

cV-KL Partners

Yaqan Nukiy

Regional District Central Kootenay

Government of British Columbia

Town of Creston

contact us

© CV-KL Economic Action Partnership