The communities of the Creston Valley – Kootenay Lake area (from Yahk to Yaqan Nukiy to Riondel) are working together to improve our economy and our communities. This open house is a drop-in for businesses, associations, and community members. The local Economic Action Partnership, and project consultants from EcoPlan International, will:
– provide an overview of the project,
– communicate feedback from communities through engagement, questionnaires, and survey results,
– show emerging pritorities coming from community input, surveys, and Steering Committee feeback, and
– gather YOUR input about emerging priorities, direction, and addtional ideas not captured in other engagement actitivies.
We are one step closer towards creating an “Economic Action Strategy” that will guide us to improve our regional economy in the next 5-10 years. This is an opportunity to be heard and make a difference for present and future generations!
For more information, please visit our website, Creston Valley – Kootenay Lake Economic Action Partnership facebook page, or email the CV-KL EAP at